Xenia @Aatish's Studio, Walsall 25th July ***SOLD OUT***

It goes without saying, that unfortunately but understandably, due to Covid-19 and the UK lockdown rules that were put in place in order to help NHS and minimise deaths caused by the virus, all my studio days planned for Spring 2020 had to be cancelled.

However, the good news is that now I have a confirmed date I will be coming to the Aatish's Studio, Walsall - 25th July 2020! Thank you for bearing with us - to say that I am excited to be back & shooting again, will be an understatement!

After the previous success of my model day there in October 2019, I return to Aatish Photography’s studio in 2020. The Studio's PurplePort can be found here, and feel free to learn more on the website

For this event, one-hour slots are available for photographers to shoot 1-2-1 with me. Each slot costs £50 per hour, this includes levels up to lingerie and swimwear. There is no limit of slots you can book with me on this day.

11:00 - 12:00 *BOOKED*
12:00 - 13:00 *BOOKED*
13:00 - 14:00 *BOOKED*
14:00 - 15:00 *BOOKED*
15:30 - 16:30 *BOOKED*
16:30 - 17:30 *BOOKED*
17:30 - 18:30 *BOOKED*
18:30 - 19:30 *BOOKED*

Assistance is available for photographers who need it. Studio equipment is also available to hire.

£20 deposit per hour is required to secure your place. The full
address of Aatish Photography’s studio will be given when deposits are paid.
TO BOOK, please follow this link https://aatish.photography/model-days/xenia
For any more questions, feel free to message me or the Studio directly. 

I am also hoping that I will be able to rearrange my studio days at both The Boardroom Studio, Derby and Two Wei Location House, Dunham very soon. Please keep checking my updates for any more information.

Hope to see you there and don't forget to check out my other social media below,
Xenia x